Trews: Traditionally Contemporary

Trews have been a staple of the highlandwear wardrobe for a very long time - even thought to outdate the kilt.

As we lead highlandwear trends forward, we look to popular cultural influences of substance. There is longevity in classic tailoring, style in clean silhouettes, functionality in well cut garments, so often our tastes are rooted firmly in the past, and we show it. 

We reflect on the values of past eras, skilled craftsmanship, traditional methods, natural materials. Fast Fashion never tempts us. "When you plan something well, theres no need to rush" TS

Discover some pretty persuasive style inspiration for formal and casual trews wearing right here...

Trews tailored from House of Edgar's beautiful range of contemporary Hebridean tartans

Classic contemporary - from formal to casual wear, seamlessly.

Trews - available in two style, Argyll or Military

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